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Projects I'm working on

This website

This website has been on the back burner for so long now, and I've finally taken the time to do something about it and make it usable.

Previously, this site was all hand-written HTML and CSS that I put together on the road trip that's documented in the travel log. I've long wanted to do something a bit easier than hand-closing every tag, even if that's made easier by web-mode etc. So I've rewritten this site for basic export using org-mode's publishing feature. I will report back after some use on how it's going. So far it's taken only an hour or so to set up (not including fiddling with my git repo). Just taking the happy path for now and relying on examples mostly. Once I figure it all out I'll make the repo public and link it here.

Author: Brendan Hall

Created: 2024-02-17 Sat 22:29